Biomass Boiler Maintenance Tour 2024

I am currently in the process of organising annual maintenance for biomass boilers systems across the UK.
In order to keep costs to a minimun and therefore offer the best possible price I plan to schedule a round tour.
Please note that if you receive RHI payment, now it is a requirement to prove that annual maintenance has been carried out under the HETAS Approved Biomass Maintenance Scheme (HABMS).



The objective of project was to heat the water for the 5 outdoor batht tubs with solar thermal energy in the sommer and with wood in the winter.


Coal Boiler Replacement under BUS with Klover Pellet Boiler Stove YO7 3LJ

The system is including radiator heating circuits and hot water tank powered by a Parkray Chevin 111 coal boiler. We replace the old boiler with a PFP160 Glass Klover pellet boiler stove with the aid of Boiler Upgrade Scheme.


Rayburn Back Boiler Cooker Addition to Existing Pellet Boiler System

The existing system is fairly complicated and works good, we didn’t want to modify it too much. We just used two free connection of the buffer tank.
Rayburn cooker
Rayburn cooker


PZ100RL Biotech Pellet Boiler Service Bradford

Biotech PZ100RL pellet boiler troubleshooting and maintenance. The boiler hadn’t been operating for a while.

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